Billing Activity Trends

The Billing Activity dashboard displays a snapshot of ebilling volume over time in a graph. Billing activity includes the number of invoices processed through eBillingHub and the monetary amount of those invoices. When you select the Billing Activity Trends from the Management tab, the dashboard is generated automatically using default values. Follow the steps below to run the dashboard with different selection criteria.

Use the Billing Activity Trends dashboard to determine:

The data is displayed by:

The data can be aggregated by the following:

Double-click on a bar to display the detailed billing transaction data.

Field Definitions



Ref #

The unique reference number assigned by eBillingHub each time an invoice is processed through Billing Wizard or Quick Invoice and submitted.

Tran Date

The transaction date when the invoice was submitted by the Billing Wizard or Quick Invoice.


The unique number from the firm's Time and Billing system that identifies the invoice.


The date the invoice was posted in the firm's Time and Billing system.

Start Date

The first day of the billing period for the invoice.

End Date

The last day of the billing period for the invoice.

Total Due

The total amount of all fees and expenses associated with the invoice.


The matter number in the firm's Time and Billing system associated with the invoice.


The client number.

Client Name

The name of the client associated with the invoice.