Log On to eBillingHub

To log on to eBillingHub, you will need the following things:

To log on to eBillingHub, go to the following URL. Note that you need to start the URL with https instead of http. This means that the data will be sent via a secure, encrypted connection.


Type your user ID and password as prompted and click Login.

Reset a Forgotten Password

If you forget your eBillingHub password, do the following:

  1. Click on the Forgot Your Password? link on the logon screen.
  2. Type your user ID. This is normally your email address. You will receive an email like the following from support@igdsystems.com:

FROM: support@igdsystems.com

TO: [your email address]



BCC: administrator@igdsystems.com


SUBJECT: Your eBillingHub password has been reset


BODY: Your eBillingHub password has been reset.


Username: [your email address]

Your new password is: [your password]


We encourage you to change your password as soon as possible.




The eBillingHub(TM) support team.


Questions? Send us an email at support@igdsystems.com or call

us at 1-888-252-2607.


Change my Password

  1. On the eBillingHub Main Page, point to Configuration and select Configure eBillingHub.
  2. On the Configuration Page, click the Configure Profiles tab.
  3. Click the User Profile link.
  4. At the bottom of the window, enter your current password, then your new password.
  5. Retype your new password in the Confirm New Password box to confirm it.
  6. Click Submit in the top right corner of the window.

Change my Name, Email Address and Phone

  1. On the eBillingHub Main Page, point to Configuration and select Configure eBillingHub.
  2. On the Configuration Page, click the Configure Profiles tab.
  3. Click the User Profile link.
  4. Type any changes to your personal information.
  5. Click Submit in the top right corner of the window.

Change Email Preferences

  1. On the eBillingHub Main Page, point to Configuration and select Configure eBillingHub.
  2. On the Configuration Page, click the Configure Profiles tab.
  3. Click the User Profile link.
  4. Select one or all of the following in the Set your email preferences below section:
  1. Click Submit in the top right corner of the window.

Change my eBillingHub Color Scheme

  1. On the eBillingHub Main Page, point to Configuration and select Configure eBillingHub.
  2. On the Configuration Page, click the Configure Profiles tab.
  3. Click the User Profile link.
  4. From the My Theme drop-down list, select a theme. You can preview the available themes.
  5. Click Submit in the top right corner of the window.

Log Out of eBillingHub

To log out of eBillingHub, click Logout at the top of the page.