Map Task Codes

Some eBilling Vendors require specific task codes to display on a Ledes file. These task codes may differ from your time and billing system's internal codes. This option is used to map internal codes to allowable task codes.

Create a New Mapping

To create a task code map:

  1. In the Mapping Name box, type a name for the task code mapping. For example, if you need a task code mapping for Datacert, type the name: Datacert Task Mapping.
  2. In the Mapping Description box, type a description for the task code mapping. For example, Custom Task Code Mapping for Datacert.
  3. Click Add New Mapping. The mapping displays in the table.
  4. Click the Edit link to configure your task code mapping.
  5. In the Task Code box, type the internal task code.
  6. In the Mapped To box, type the value to display for the task code.
  7. Click Add New Mapping. The new mapping displays in the table below.
  8. Continue entering internal task codes and mapped to values for each code that you need to translate. When finished, click Save.
  9. Apply the mapping to a client.

Edit/Delete Mapping Codes

Do one of the following:

Copy an Existing Mapping

Copying a mapping will only copy internal codes that do not already exist in the current mapping. For instance, if ebh was added for the current mapping and also in the mapping selected under Copy Existing Mapping, it would NOT be added a second time to the current mapping nor will it update the matching row.

  1. Create a new mapping.

  1. Select an existing mapping from the Copy Existing Mapping drop-down list and click Copy. The selected mapping will be copied over to the current mapping.