eBillingHub offers several types of integrated Help to facilitate your electronic billing tasks.
Help Menu
Use the Help menu options to access the Help system, online eBillingHub documents, Customer Support information and a site map of eBillingHub functionality. Refer to Related Topics for information on each Help menu option.
Tooltip Help
Many eBillingHub screen fields, buttons and icons display short descriptions when you hover the cursor over them. Here's a tooltip example:
Help's Visual Cues
eBillingHub Help uses several symbols to represent navigational functions or important information. Here's a list of these symbols and their meanings.
The mouse pointer turns into a hand shape whenever it points to an item (text or graphic) containing a hypertext link to additional help information. Simply click the item to display the information.
Underlined text that displays a hand when the cursor rests on it indicates a link to additional information. Click the link to display the information.
Blue buttons provide a hypertext link to additional information related to the current help topic.
This symbol identifies tips and hints to aid you in performing a task.
This symbol identifies important eBillingHub information.
Related Topics
Getting Help from Customer Support
Viewing eBillingHub Resources
Using the Site Map
Getting Started with eBillingHub