The Billing Wizard and Quick Invoice allow you to ebill invoices listed as prebill (unposted) in the Time and Billing system. Once processed through eBillingHub and successfully submitted to the vendor, these invoices display an eBillingHub status of "ebilled" and a status other than "posted" in the Time and Billing system. The Unposted Prebills report lets you view information for these invoices.
Use the Unposted Prebills report to:
· Determine if unposted prebills exist for a particular client
· Print a list of unposted prebills as a checklist for posting the invoices in the Time and Billing system
· See when the invoice status changed to ebilled
To generate the report, follow these steps:
1. Select Reports/Dashboards from the Reports menu.
2. Select Unposted Prebills from the Billing tab.
3. Click a client name. If there are no unposted prebills for this client, the following message is displayed:
If there are invoices that meet the criteria (eBillingHub status = ebilled; Time and Billing system status = prebill) the invoices are listed along with the date and time their status changed to ebilled.
4. Click ebilled in the Status column to display tracking information for this invoice.
Related Topics
Invoice Statuses
Additional Billing Reports