All eBillingHub reports and dashboards can be exported to one or more of the following formats:
MS Excel, MS Word or a PDF reader program must be installed on your local machine to view reports and graphs in these formats; however, you can still download and save the file without these programs.
Select this option
With this file extension
Download the report data in MS Excel format. You can choose to save the file or open Excel to view the data.
Download the report data in MS Word format. You can choose to save the file or open Word to view the data.
Download the report data in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. You can choose to save the file or open it in a program such as Internet Explorer.
Download the report data in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can choose to save the file or open it in a program such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Download the report data in MS Excel format as comma separated values. You can choose to save the file or open Excel to view the data.
To export report and graph data, follow these steps:
1. Click the desired export option (see the list above). This action displays a File Download screen similar to the following example:
2. To download and open the file in the associated program (Excel, Word, Internet Explorer, PDF Reader), click Open. Refer to the program's Help system for further information.
3. To download and save the file to your local machine, click Save. This action displays the Save As dialog similar to the following example:
4. Browse to the desired folder and click Save to save the downloaded file.
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