Navigation: Configuring eBillingHub > eBillingHub Configuration Settings > Client Setups > Mapping Client Extended Fields >

Copying an Extended Fields Map




If you have several clients requiring the same additional fields, you can copy an extended fields map from one client to another.


To copy an extended fields map and apply it to another client, follow these steps:


1.      Click the Map Client Extended Fields option on the Client Setups screen to display the Map Client Extended Fields screen.

2.      Click the client name with the extended fields map you want to copy, and then click Copy.




3.      Click the client name for which you want to copy the extended fields map. Notice some of the additional fields are different for this client.


4.      Click Paste. This action populates the Obtain From column with the extended fields for the additional fields that are the same between the two clients.



If you want to use the copied extended field map for another client, click the client name, and then click Paste. (You do not need to recopy the map.)


5.      Click Save to save the new mappings.





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