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Client Setups




Client Setups provides all the links and options you need for setting up a client to be ebilled through eBillingHub. This setup process involves five basic steps:


1.      Check eBillingHub's list of supported clients to see if the desired client is included. (Only clients on the list can be ebilled though eBillingHub.) If the client is not on the list, request Customer Support to create a new client setup. Use the client list viewing options to perform this step.

2.      Map the client in your Time and Billing system to the eBillingHub client. This mapping determines the destination of the invoice, the format of the invoice, and the data validations performed on the invoice. Select the Map Clients option to perform this step.

An alternate method is required if you want to map a client to the eBillingHub Free Form email client in order to support non-LEDES invoice formats, specify email recipients, or send attachments with the invoice file. Click here for instructions.

3.      Map any additional fields required by the client to user-defined fields (UDFs) in your Time and Billing system. Select the Map Client Extended Fields option to perform this step.

4.      If the client uses an expense code map or timekeeper title map other than the default, select the required mappings for the client. Select the Configure eBill Recipients option to perform this step.

5.      Test the client setup to see if an invoice passes the client's validation rules. Perform this step using the Billing Wizard. Click here for instructions.


Viewing the Client List


Use the following table and links on the Client Setups screen to see if the client you want to configure is supported by eBillingHub.


eBillingHub clients are set up using the client name as it appears on the vendor site. If the client has a different name in your Time and Billing system, use the client name that you would use for billing on the vendor site. Also check the vendor name; many clients are set up using multiple vendors.


·         Recent Clients Added Table

Displays the ten most recent clients added to the list of supported eBillingHub clients.


·         Additional Links

Click on a link to display additional client list information, or a form for adding a new client setup if you do not see your client in the client list.



Ø       More lists clients that have been added in the last three months.

Ø       View All Clients shows the entire client list. (You can also view this list by selecting Supported Formats from the Main menu.)

Ø       Request New Client displays a request form to add a client that is not on the supported client list. (You can also request this form by selecting Customer Support from the Help menu.)


Accessing Client Setups


Users must have the Administrator or Client Setup role to access the Client Setups screen.


To access the Client Setups options, select Configure the eBillingHub from the Configuration menu, and then select the Client Setups tab:



Related Topics

 Mapping Clients

 Supporting Clients with Non-LEDES Formats

 Mapping Client Extended Fields

 Designating Expense Codes and Timekeeper Titles

 Configure System Options

 Configure Profiles Options





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