Billing Wizard Overview

The Billing Wizard is your primary tool for submitting invoices to ebilling vendors. eBillingHub integrates and automates the following steps required to process electronic invoices.

There are three basic steps in the Billing Wizard process:

Once the invoices have been submitted, you can click the Live Update button to immediately check the status of the invoices you just submitted on the Active Invoices screen.

Invoices Displaying in the Billing Wizard

To display the Billing Wizard's list of selectable invoices, an invoice must meet all of the following criteria:

Invoices that Do Not Display in the Billing Wizard

The following types of invoices do not display in the Billing Wizard's list of selectable invoices:

Supporting Non-LEDES Invoice Data and Email Attachments

Some clients may require you to submit invoices in a format other than a LEDES format. For example, a client may want invoices submitted as .pdf documents. Others may want you to attach additional data files to a LEDES-formatted email. To support the ability to attach a separate document to the invoice email, eBillingHub lets you map a client to eBillingHub's Free Form email client. Once this mapping is configured, whenever you process an invoice for that client in the Billing Wizard, you can attach a file during the validation step.

Start the Billing Wizard

To start the Billing Wizard, log on to eBillingHub, point to Billing on the menu at the top of the page, and click the Billing Wizard link.


See also:

Submit PDF Invoices