Client Setups

You can access everything you need to set up a client for ebilling on the Client Setups tab.

To open Client Setups Tab:

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Configuration.
  2. Click Configure eBillingHub.
  3. Click the Client Setups tab.

To set up a new client for eBillingHub:

  1. Find the eBillingHub supported client, or request a new client setup if the client you need is not on the list. For more information, see Find the eBillingHub Client.
  2. Map the client in your system to the eBillingHub supported client that you will use for billing. The eBillingHub Client determines the destination of the invoice, the validations that are done, and the format of the invoice. For more information, see Map Clients.
  3. Map the extended fields needed for the client. For more information, see Map Client Extended Fields.
  4. If the client is using an expense code map other than the default, configure the client to use the special expense code map. For more information, see Configure Ebill Recipients.
  5. Test your client. For more information, see Invoice Testing Procedure. Once these steps have been completed, you can start ebilling your new client.

Users must have either the Administrator or Client Setup role to access these pages. For more information, see Manage Users.

Important Notes