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Configuring the Billing Wizard




The Billing Wizard is the primary tool for submitting invoices through eBillingHub. The Billing Wizard Configuration screen lets you select options for supporting specific functions in your firm's electronic billing process. These options apply system wide for all users, clients, and matters. Refer to the Related Topics links for descriptions of these Billing Wizard options.


Most options are common across Time and Billing systems. However, the Billing Wizard Configuration screen at your firm may only display a subset of these options as required by your Time and Billing system.


To configure the Billing Wizard, follow these steps:


1.      Click the Configure Billing Wizard option from the Configure System tab to display the Configure Billing Wizard screen.

2.      Click the checkbox (or list box value) for the desired Invoice Display Options and Invoice Data Options. The Invoice Display Options determine what data is displayed in the Billing Wizard. The Invoice Data Options determine how the data is displayed.

3.      Click Save to save the Billing Wizard settings.


Related Topics


 Invoice Display Options Descriptions

 Invoice Data Options Descriptions





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