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Clients Listing




This report displays the clients that your firm currently ebills through eBillingHub. For a list of all clients supported by eBillingHub, click here.


To generate the report, follow these steps:


1.      Select Reports/Dashboards from the Reports menu.

2.      Select Clients Listing from the Management tab.

3.      Select a sort option from the list box for displaying the data. Options correspond to the columns in the report display.

4.      Select ascending or descending order for displaying the sort option data.

5.      Click Submit to generate the report based on your selections. The following table describes the report columns.




Client #

A unique number that identifies a client in the firm's Time and Billing system.

Client Name

The name of the client.


The name of the eBilling vendor that processes your firm's invoices for the client listed in the Client Name field.

Last Activity

The date of the last recorded eBilling activity in eBillingHub for the client.


You can export the report data to several formats. Click here for more information.


Related Topics


 Supported Client List

 Additional Management Reports

 Report Tools and Tips





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