Your user profile specifies basic contact information and a preference for automatically receiving invoice-related emails from eBillingHub. Additionally, your profile specifies a preferred color scheme for the eBillingHub interface and allows you to change your current password.
To configure a new profile or change an existing one, follow these steps:
1. Select Configure the eBillingHub from the Configuration menu.
2. Click the User Profile option from the Configure Profiles tab to display the User Profile screen.
For quicker access to your user profile, click the My Profile link at the top of any eBillingHub screen.
3. Enter/edit your name, email, phone, and fax information (if applicable).
4. In the Emails field, select one of the following options:
Do NOT forward any emails to me
If this option is selected, no email notifications will be sent to you.
Forward only those emails relevant to my own submissions
If this option is selected, you will get emails for invoices you submitted that eBillingHub is able to profile (relate to a specific invoice).
Forward emails relevant to my own submissions and blanket emails as well
If this option is selected, you will get emails for invoices you submitted that eBillingHub is able to profile, plus emails that eBillingHub has not been able to profile.
Forward a copy of all emails.
If this option is selected, every email notification will be sent to you.
5. In the My Theme field, select a color scheme and font size for the interface. You can preview each theme by selecting it from the list box.
6. Click Submit to save your profile settings. For instructions on changing your password, click here.
Only users with the Administrator access role can assign access roles for your user account. Contact your Administrator if you need access to certain eBillingHub screens.
Related Topics
Changing Your Password
Working with Profiled Emails
Managing User Accounts