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Working with Active Invoices




Active Invoices is your primary tool for viewing invoice information once an invoice has been submitted through eBillingHub. An invoice is considered active if it has been submitted but not yet paid in full. Such invoices can be in any of these process states:


·         Received by the eBilling vendor but not yet processed

·         Accepted by the eBilling vendor or client

·         Rejected by the eBilling vendor or client

·         Placed on hold by an eBillingHub user


Active Invoices lets you perform the following tasks:


·         View and save the eBilling file that gets sent to the eBilling vendor

·         Determine if an invoice has been accepted or rejected by an eBilling vendor

·         Update the status of an invoice

·         View tracking information from the eBilling vendor for ebilled invoices

·         View the rejection report from the eBilling vendor for rejected invoices

·         Resubmit an invoice that has been rejected

·         Stop tracking an invoice in eBillingHub

·         Synchronize payment information with your Time and Billing system so paid invoices will no longer appear in the Active Invoices list


The Active Invoices list is automatically updated every two minutes to give you the most up-to-date status information available. You can also view a variety of reports summarizing Active Invoice data.


Accessing Active Invoices

To access Active Invoices, select Active Invoices from the Tracking menu.


Related Topics:

 Filtering the Invoice List

 Viewing Additional Status Information

 Taking Action on an Invoice

 Resubmitting a Rejected Invoice

 Generating Active Invoice Reports

 Invoice Statuses and their Meaning





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