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Using Quick Invoice




Quick Invoice lets you select invoices related to a single client, validate the data and submit them to eBilling vendors. This tool differs from the Billing Wizard in that you can submit invoices regardless of their eBillingHub status, or the age or payment status in your Time and Billing system. Consequently, you can use Quick Invoice to resubmit invoices that have already been paid or are older than the time threshold set in the Billing Wizard configuration. You can also use Quick Invoice to submit paid invoices to build an invoice history in the eBillingHub.


When you submit invoices with Quick Invoice, eBillingHub integrates and automates the following processes required for electronic billing:


·         Extracting the invoice data from your Time and Billing system for the invoices numbers you enter

·         Validating the invoice data to reduce the probability of rejection by the client or eBilling vendor

·         Submitting the invoices to the client or eBilling vendor

·         Tracking the status of the invoices


Quick Invoice involves four basic steps:


 Step 1 - Enter Invoice Numbers

 Step 2 - Confirm Invoice Selection

 Step 3 - Review Validation Report

 Step 4 - Review Submission Report


Once you submit an invoice, you can immediately check on its status using the Billing Wizard's Live Update button to display the Active Invoices screen.


Accessing Quick Invoice

To access Quick Invoice, select Quick Invoice from the Billing menu.


Related Topics

 Invoice Status Descriptions

 Working with Active Invoices




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