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Submitting Invoices




Help topics in this section provide instructions for several billing tools. Most invoices are submitted using the Billing Wizard, but there may be special cases where you'll want to use Quick Invoice or Multi-Invoice processing. Additionally, you may need to configure multiple payors for invoices related to a particular matter. Here's a brief description of each tool:


·         Billing Wizard

Use this tool to select invoices related to one or more clients, automatically validate the data and submit the invoices to eBilling vendors.


·         Quick Invoice

Use this tool to select invoices related to a single client, automatically validate the data and submit the invoices to eBilling vendors. This tool differs from the Billing Wizard in that you can submit invoices regardless of their eBillingHub status, or the age or payment status in your Time and Billing system. Consequently, you can use Quick Invoice to resubmit invoices that have already been paid or are older than the time threshold set in the Billing Wizard configuration. You can also use Quick Invoice to submit paid invoices to build an invoice history in eBillingHub.


·         Multi-Invoice

Use this tool to create a single electronic billing file with data from multiple invoices.


·         Multipayor

Use this tool to configure multiple payors (clients) for a matter, and to specify the percentage of fees and expenses that each payor will be charged by your law firm.



Accessing the Billing Tools

All billing tools are accessible from the Billing menu:




Select a help topic for the desired tool:


 Using the Billing Wizard

 Using Quick Invoice

 Creating a Multi-Invoice File

 Managing Multipayor Matters



Related Topics


 Tracking Invoices

 Editing Invoices





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