When fees and expenses for a particular matter are to be split between multiple clients, eBillingHub lets you specify what percentage of those fees and expenses each client (payor) will be charged. This help topic explains how to configure multiple payors for a specific matter.
Accessing Multipayor Matters
To access Multipayor Matters, select Multipayor from the Billing menu, and then select the Edit Multipayor Matters link.
This selection displays the Edit Multipayor Matters screen populated with a list of matters that have multiple payors configured. (The list will be empty if no payors are currently configured.)
To configure multiple payors for a new matter, follow these steps:
1. Enter the matter Id for the matter, and then click Add Matter. This action adds the matter to the list of multipayor matters.
2. Click the Payors link to display the Edit Payors and Splits screen.
3. Click Add Recipients to display a list of available payors for this matter.
4. Click the checkbox for each payor you want billed for invoices related to this matter.
5. Click Add to display the Edit Payors and Splits screen populated with the payors you selected. By default, the percentage of fees and expenses is initially 1.0000000 (100%) for each payor.
6. Click in the %Fees field for a payor and type the percentage you want this payor to be charged for fees associated with this matter.
7. Click in the %Exp field and type the percentage you want this payor to be charged for expenses associated with this matter.
Enter percentages as a decimal. The minimum value is 0.0 (0%) and the maximum value is 1.0 (100%). For example, if two payors are to split fees and expenses evenly, enter .50 in the %Fees and %Exp fields for both payors.
The total of all fee percentages should equal 100%. Likewise, the total of all expense percentages should equal 100%. eBillingHub does not validate percentage totals, so be sure to check your math!
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the other payors.
9. To specify a client's extended field values for this particular multipayor matter, click the Edit Fields link. This action displays the Edit Extended Field Values screen populated with the extended fields for the client.
eBillingHub does not extract any extended field values from your Time and Billing system for multipayor matters. You must enter the desired extended field values using this screen to enable extended field values for this matter.
10. To specify one or more extended field values, type the desired value in the Field Value column and then click Save. This action saves the entered values and closes the Edit Extended Field Values screen.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the other payors if desired.
12. If you are finished adding payors for this matter, click Save on the Edit Payors and Splits screen. This action saves your selections and closes the screen.
To reallocate the split percentages for payors, follow these steps:
1. Click the Payors link for the desired matter on the Edit Multipayor Matters screen.
This action displays the Edit Payors and Splits screen.
2. Click in the %Fees field for the payor whose fee percentage you want to change and type the new percentage amount.
3. Click in the %Exp field for the payor whose expense percentage you want to change and type the new percentage amount.
When you change a percentage, be sure to reallocate the percentage amounts for the remaining payors so their total combined percentage equals 100%.
4. Click Save. This action saves your changes and closes the screen.
To delete a multipayor matter or individual payor, follow these steps:
1. To delete a multipayor matter on the Edit Multipayor Matters screen, click the remove icon for the desired matter.
This action refreshes the screen with the selected matter removed.
2. To delete a payor for a matter, click the Payors link for the desired matter.
This action displays the Edit Payors and Splits screen.
3. Click the remove icon for the desired payor.
This action refreshes the screen with the selected payor removed.
Related Topics
Mapping Client Extended Fields
Editing Extended Fields
Editing Matter Details
Supported Clients List