This help topic explains how to use the Advanced eBilling Editor to override an extended field value for the invoice you are currently editing. (Extended fields provide additional invoice information required by the client.) The workspace displays all extended fields configured for the client associated with the invoice even if eBillingHub has not extracted a value from your Time and Billing system for the field.
Changing the value of the ConfigurationTag extended field could prevent an invoice from being submitted with alternate logon credentials as intended. Click here for more information.
To edit data in the Extended Fields workspace, follow these steps:
1. Click in the Value column for the desired extended field. (Double-clicking highlights any field text for editing.)
2. Enter a new value, or edit the displayed value by overwriting the existing text.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each extended field you want to edit.
4. Continue updating additional invoice data (law firm data, invoice information, matter details, timekeepers, fees, expenses, adjustments) if desired. If you are finished making changes, click Save to display the following message:
5. Click OK to close the message screen.
Related Topics
Editing Extended Fields for a Multipayor Matter
Mapping Client Extended Fields
Editing Law Firm Information
Editing Invoice Information
Editing Matter Details
Editing Timekeeper Data
Managing Fees
Managing Expenses
Editing, Adding and Deleting Matter Adjustments