This help topic explains how to use the Advanced eBilling Editor to edit information for a specific matter. Note that the Matter tab contains two sub-tabs: Details and Tax Summary. The following sections provide instructions for editing matter details. Data in the Tax Summary tab is extracted from the firm's Time and Billing system and is not editable.
Matter Details
Editable data in the Details tab of the Matter workspace includes:
Firm Matter Number:
A unique number in the firm's Time and Billing system that identifies the matter associated with this invoice.
Matter Description:
A brief description of the matter associated with this invoice.
Billing Attorney Last Name:
The last name of the attorney who is billing for services related to this matter.
Billing Attorney First Name:
The first name of the attorney who is billing for services related to this matter.
Timekeeper Id:
The timekeeper Id of the attorney listed in the Billing Attorney fields.
Matter Open Date:
The date the matter was first entered into the firm's Time and Billing system.
Final Bill:
Specifies whether the invoice is the final bill for this matter. Y = Yes; N = No.
Matter Arrangement:
The payment arrangement type for the matter. This field will be blank if no matter arrangement types have been mapped between the firm's Time and Billing system and eBillingHub. Click here for more information.
The type of currency used for expenses and fees. For example, USD (U.S. Dollars).
Fee Share Percent:
The percentage of all fees to be paid for this matter. Default is 1 (100%).
Expenses Share Percent:
The percentage of all expenses to be paid for this matter. Default is 1 (100%).
To edit data in the Matter workspace, follow these steps:
1. Click (or tab to) the data field you want to edit. (Double-clicking highlights all field text for editing.)
2. Edit the data by overwriting the existing text. For date fields, you can also use the field box arrows to select a date.
3. Continue updating additional invoice data (law firm data, invoice information, timekeepers, fees, expenses, extended fields, adjustments) if desired. If you are finished making changes, click Save to display the following message:
4. Click OK to close the message screen.
Related Topics
Editing Law Firm Information
Editing Invoice Information
Editing Timekeeper Data
Editing, Adding and Deleting Fees
Editing, Adding and Deleting Expenses
Editing Extended Fields
Editing, Adding and Deleting Matter Adjustments