The Save Invoice action in Active Invoices lets you save the invoice to a file in the format required by its eBilling vendor. You may need to save invoices if they were put on hold because they have to be submitted manually.
To save an invoice to a file, follow these steps:
1. Select Active Invoices from the Tracking menu.
2. Select the invoices you want to save to a file. You can select invoices individually by clicking the invoice's checkbox in the Sel column.
You can also click View All and then click the Select All Invoices checkbox to select every invoice in the Active Invoices list.
When you select multiple invoices, the selected action is performed on all invoices simultaneously, but each invoice is saved in a separate file.
3. Select Save Invoice from the Action list box, and then click Go.
4. Check for the file you just created in the root folder configured by the eBillingHub Administrator for storing billing files. Saved files use the invoice number and a .txt extension as the filename. For example, invoice 987823 when saved is stored in the root folder as 987823.txt.
It's a good idea to open the file to be sure it contains the invoice data before manually submitting it to the eBilling vendor.
Related Topics
Putting an Invoice on Hold
Manually Creating eBilling Files
Taking Action on an Invoice
Filtering the Invoice List