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Rejected Invoices and How to Correct Them




Most invoices go through two levels of review: automated and client. An invoice may be rejected at either level.  


The automated review compares the invoice data against a list of vendor and client validation rules. Typical data checks at this level may detect these validation errors:


·         Invoice format errors

·         Math errors, (for example, the sum of the line items don't equal the invoice total, or rate * quantity + adjustment doesn't equal the line item total)

·         Expense, task or activity codes that are missing, are invalid for the client, or exceed the client's guidelines

·         Invoice date exceeds the time limit guidelines of the vendor or client

·         Missing extended fields required by the client


The validation step in the Billing Wizard and Quick Invoice should catch these errors. If so, you can review the errors on the Validation Report and determine if you must correct the error in your Time and Billing system and rerun the invoice through eBillingHub, or possibly edit the invoice to make the correction.


Invoices that pass the automated review are sent to the client for review. At this stage, an invoice may be accepted, accepted with a revision or deduction, or rejected. Vendors and clients have different policies related to appeals for revisions and deductions. Rejected invoices can be addressed within the vendor site, your Time and Billing system or eBillingHub as explained below.


The notification process for invoices that are accepted or rejected varies depending on the eBilling vendor or client. eBillingHub receives the same notifications as any other user. In some cases, the vendor will send an email back with a notification, and in other cases, you may need to log onto the vendor site to check the status of an invoice.


Email notifications sent to the law firm's eBillingHub email address are forwarded to staff based on the email's profiled state, and on email settings in the eBillingHub user profile.  


To correct a rejected invoice, start by examining the reason for the rejection. Using Active Invoices, you can view rejection information submitted by the vendor:


 Viewing All Invoice Information

 Viewing Selected Rejection Information

 Viewing Invoice Emails


Rejected invoices may require a change to the eBilling vendor's site, the Time and Billing system, or the eBillingHub. Depending on the changes made to address the rejection, you will need to resubmit the invoice to the eBilling vendor, or rerun the invoice through the Billing Wizard or Quick Invoice. In general, if the correction requires a change to the contents of the invoice file, you need to rerun the invoice through the Billing Wizard or Quick Invoice. If the correction is to something on the vendor site, you can resubmit the invoice from Active Invoices.





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