This help topic explains how to use the Advanced eBilling Editor to edit the summary information for an invoice.
Invoice Data
Editable data in the Invoice workspace includes:
Invoice Date:
The date the invoice was generated in the firm's Time and Billing system.
Start Date:
The first day of the date range for which fees and expenses related to this invoice were recorded.
End Date:
The last day of the date range for which fees and expenses related to this invoice were recorded.
The type of currency used for expenses and fees. For example, USD (U.S. Dollars).
Invoice Description:
A brief description of the invoice such as a summary of services or other notes.
To edit data in the Invoice workspace, follow these steps:
1. Click (or tab to) the data field you want to edit. (Double-clicking highlights all field text for editing.)
2. Edit the data by overwriting the existing text. For date fields, you can also use the field box arrows to select a date.
3. Continue updating additional invoice data (law firm data, matter details, timekeepers, fees, expenses, extended fields, adjustments) if desired. If you are finished making changes, click Save to display the following message:
4. Click OK to close the message screen.
Related Topics
Editing Law Firm Information
Editing Matter Details
Editing Timekeeper Data
Managing Fees
Managing Expenses
Editing Extended Fields
Editing, Adding and Deleting Matter Adjustments