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Managing Fees




This help topic explains how to use the Advanced eBilling Editor to manage fees for an invoice, including adjustments made to individual fees. Specifically, this topic explains how to:


·         Edit fee data

·         Add a new fee

·         Delete a fee

·         Edit a fee adjustment

·         Add a fee adjustment

·         Delete a fee adjustment


Fees Data


Editable data in the Fees workspace includes:



The date of the activity that generated the fee.


Identifies the person who performed the activity that generated the fee, and the rate charged per hour for that person's services.


Unit means the fee is calculated using the Hours, Rate and Adjustments values.
Fixed means the fee is a set amount (not based on other fee data).


The amount of time it took to complete the fee activity.


A code that identifies a fee activity/service category.


A code that identifies a task category.


Describes the activity that generated the fee.


To edit data in the Fees workspace, follow these steps:


1.      Right-click on the desired row of fee data, and then select the Edit option.

This action displays the Edit Fee screen.


2.      Click (or tab to) the data field you want to edit. (Double-clicking highlights all field text for editing.)

3.      Edit the data by overwriting the existing text. For the Date field, you can also use the field box arrows  to select a date. For the Tkpr (Timekeeper) and Type fields, use the list box to select a value. Note that if you edit the Tkpr or Hours field, the eBilling Editor automatically recalculates and displays the Amount and Total values.

If you change the Type value to F (Fixed), eBillingHub automatically sets the Hours value to 1 and uses the set rate to calculate the amount. You will not see these changes in the Fees workspace, but you can view them in the LEDES file by clicking the Preview button.

4.      Click OK. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes with the updated fee data.

5.      Continue updating additional invoice data, (law firm data, invoice information, matter details, timekeepers, expenses, extended fields, adjustments) if desired. If you are finished making changes, click Save to display the following message:



6.      Click OK to close the message box.



To add a new fee to the invoice, follow these steps:


1.      Right-click on a row of fee data and select the Add New option.



This action displays the Add Fee screen with a non-editable number populated in the Id field. (The first new fee is assigned Id number 99999991. Subsequent new fees are assigned 99999992, 99999993, and so forth.)


2.      Click (or tab to) each editable field and enter the new fee data. For the Date field, you can also use the field box arrows  to select a date. For the Tkpr (Timekeeper) and Type fields, use the list box to select a value. Note that once you enter a value for the Tkpr and Hours fields, the eBilling Editor automatically calculates and displays the Amount and Total values.

3.      Click OK. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes with the new fee added to the list.


To delete a fee from the invoice, follow these steps:


1.      Right-click on the row of fee data you want to delete and select the Delete option.

This action displays a confirmation message similar to the following:



2.      Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes with the selected fee removed from the list.


Fee Adjustment Data

Editable data in the Fees Adjustments workspace includes:



ADJ (Adjustment) is an amount subtracted from the fee. You must enter the adjustment amount with a minus sign to indicate a fee reduction.
CREDIT is an amount added to the fee.


Flat means the adjustment or credit is a set amount (not based on other fee data).
Percent means the adjustment or credit is a percentage of the fee total.


Defines the adjustment or credit as a percentage of the total fee amount (for example, 5.00%). You must calculate this percentage and include its value in the Amount data field.


Specifies an amount for the fee adjustment or credit (for example, an adjustment of -100.00 or a credit of 100.00)


Describes the reason for the adjustment or credit.


To edit a fee adjustment, follow these steps:


1.      Select the row of fee data related to the fee adjustment you want to edit. This action populates the Fees Adjustments workspace with all the adjustments for that fee.

2.      Select the fee adjustment you want to edit, and then right-click to display a pop-up menu.

3.      Select the Edit option to display the Edit Adjustment screen.

4.      Click (or tab to) the data field you want to edit. (Double-clicking highlights all field text for editing.)

5.      Edit the data by overwriting the existing text. For the Class and Type fields, use the list box to select a value.

6.      Click Update. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes the adjustment data to reflect your edits. If you edited the Percent or Amount fields, the fee total also refreshes with the recalculated value.


To add a fee adjustment, follow these steps:


1.      Select the row of fee data you want to adjust.

2.      Place the cursor in the Fees Adjustments workspace and right-click to display a pop-up menu.

3.      Select the Add New option.

This action displays the Add Adjustment screen with a non-editable number populated in the Adjustment Id field. (The first new adjustment is assigned Id number 99999991. Subsequent new adjustments are assigned 99999992, 99999993, and so forth.)

4.      Click (or tab to) each editable field and enter the new adjustment data. For the Class and Type fields, use the list box to select a value. If you select Flat as the adjustment type, enter the amount of the credit or adjustment in the Amount field. If you select Percent as the adjustment type, enter the credit or adjustment as a percentage of the total fee in the Percentage field and the calculated value of the percentage in the Amount field.

To enter a fee reduction, include a minus sign (-) before the number in the Amount field. For example, to record a $20 fee reduction, enter -20.00.

5.      Click Update. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes with the new adjustment added and the fee total recalculated to reflect the adjustment.


To delete a fee adjustment, follow these steps:


1.      Select the row of fee data related to the fee adjustment you want to delete. This action populates the Fees Adjustments workspace with all the adjustments for that fee.

2.      Select the fee adjustment you want to delete, and then right-click to display a pop-up menu.

3.      Select the Delete option. This action displays a confirmation message similar to the following:


4.      Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The Advanced eBilling Editor then refreshes with the selected adjustment removed and the fee total recalculated to reflect the deleted adjustment.


Related Topics


 Editing Law Firm Information

 Editing Invoice Information

 Editing Matter Details

 Editing Timekeeper Data

 Managing Expenses

 Editing Extended Fields

 Editing, Adding and Deleting Matter Adjustments





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