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Initial Implementation




What Has to be Configured Prior to Using eBillingHub?

Before users can begin eBilling through eBillingHub, several system-wide configuration tasks need to be completed. Most of these tasks are performed during the initial implementation process. During this process, the eBillingHub Implementation Team works with the eBillingHub Coordinator at the firm to set up and test eBillingHub.


Help topic links for these configuration tasks are provided as reference if you need to edit these settings at a later time.


Certain infrastructure requirements must be met prior to performing the configuration tasks discussed in this topic. Click here for more information.


Once the infrastructure requirements are met, the eBillingHub Coordinator configures the initial workstation PC used to access eBillingHub. Additional tasks include configuring connectivity to the firm's Time and Billing system from that workstation, and a root folder shared by all eBillingHub users for storing invoice files.


  Initial Workstation Setups 

  Connectivity to the Time and Billing System Database

  Shared eBilling Folder


Next, the Coordinator configures the default profile for the firm, and profiles for the initial eBillingHub users.


 Firm Profile

 Initial User Accounts


Once these profiles are configured, the Coordinator creates default mappings between information in the firm's Time and Billing system and the eBillingHub system. eBillingHub uses these mappings to locate and extract Time and Billing system data when creating the invoice file.


  Mapping Expense Codes

  Mapping Timekeeper Titles

  Mapping UTBMS Codes

  Mapping Matter Arrangements


The Coordinator then determines what clients need to be set up in eBillingHub, and if any of these clients require additional information (extended fields) to be extracted from the Time and Billing system. With this information in hand, the Coordinator can set up the clients and configure connectivity to the eBilling vendors who process invoices for those clients.


  Client Setups

  Client Extended Fields

  Vendor Connectivity


Next, the Coordinator configures the Billing Wizard (the main eBillingHub tool for processing invoices) to support the firm's billing practices. This configuration task specifies what data is displayed in the Billing Wizard and how the data is displayed.


  Configuring the Billing Wizard


Now it's time to run some test invoices through the Billing Wizard. The Coordinator should process an invoice for each client that has been set up in eBillingHub. Testing an invoice verifies the client setup and reveals any missing information required by the client.


  Testing an Invoice


Once the the test invoices are successfully processed through the Billing Wizard, you're ready to start eBilling! Click here for an overview on processing invoices for different billing scenarios.





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