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Exploring the Interface






The eBillingHub interface is divided into the three areas illustrated above. These areas include the menu bar, navigation bar (breadcrumbs) and main workspace.


Menu Bar


Use the menu bar to select menu options associated with specific eBillingHub tasks. To choose an option from a menu, simply click the option name. The following table describes the tasks you can perform with each menu option. For additional help information, click a menu option link.



Menu Option

Task Description



·  View recent announcements about eBillingHub and supported vendors

·  Get a total count of Active Invoices grouped by current status

·  View a list of the ten most recent client setups for eBillingHub


Supported Clients

·  View a list of supported clients and their associated eBilling vendors


Supported Vendors

·  View a list of supported vendors and a checklist of eBilling processes that eBillingHub can perform for each


Billing Wizard

·  Select, review and submit invoices to eBilling vendors for payment


Quick Invoice

·  Select one or more invoices for a single client and submit them to eBilling vendors for payment



·  Create a single eBilling file that contains data from multiple invoices



·  Add/delete a matter

·  Configure/edit the split percentage paid to a recipient (payor) for a matter

·  Add/delete a recipient (payor) for a matter

·  Setup/edit a client's extended field values


Active Invoices

·  Track the progress of invoices submitted through eBillingHub that have not yet been paid in full

·  Save invoice data to a file for manual submission

·  Resubmit an invoice that has been rejected


Profile Emails

·  Search and display incoming emails by date range, keywords and sender

·  Review a list of unprofiled emails and relate them to one or more invoices

·  Forward one or more emails to an eBillingHub user

·  View the history of an email that shows who received the email and when

·  Prevent unprofiled emails from appearing in the email search results


Invoice History

·  View a summary of all eBillingHub actions performed on an invoice

·  View/print detailed information on all eBillingHub actions performed on an invoice


Configure the eBillingHub

·  Setup clients for eBilling and map the clients to the eBillingHub client library

·  Map a client's extended fields to a location in the Time and Billing system so eBillingHub can extract the data

·  Configure an alternate expense code map for a client

·  Configure a connection between your billing system and eBillingHub

·  Designate the root folder for saving invoices

·  Configure the Billing Wizard with your firm's preferences for displaying invoice types/data

·  Map your firm's internal timekeeper titles to the standardized titles allowed by eBilling vendors

·  Map your firm's internal matter arrangement types to ones supported by eBillingHub

·  Map your firm's UTBMS codes (task, activity) to the location where eBillingHub can obtain the codes

·  Map internal expense code sets to those required by your firm's clients

·  Create a client specific expense code map

·  Configure a default profile for your firm and alternate location profiles if desired (Administrator task)

·  Configure a profile for individual eBillingHub users

·  Add/edit/delete user accounts and assign user privileges (Administrator task)



Configure eBilling Vendor Connectivity

·  Perform steps to ensure that eBillingHub can automatically communicate and submit invoices to your firm's eBilling vendors

·  Configure alternate logon credentials for logging into a vendor site


Configure your workstation

·  Perform steps to configure your workstation PC to work with eBillingHub

·  Test the workstation configuration to ensure proper setup



·  Download useful tools associated with eBillingHub configuration and security



·  Generate a variety of billing, collections and management reports

·  Generate summary reports on active invoices, and activity transaction reports based on a date range

·  Generate a report to help reconcile invoices between the Time and Billing system and eBillingHub


Online Help

·  Display the eBillingHub Help system



·  Display the eBillingHub repository for documentation, FAQs and troubleshooting information.


Customer Support

·  Request customer support to add a client to the eBillingHub client library

·  Report a problem with invoice data not being extracted correctly from your Time and Billing system

·  Contact Customer Support via email, phone or the Support Center


Site Map

·  View a hyperlinked map of eBillingHub functionality


Clicking the My Profile link to the right of the Menu Bar lets you edit your personal profile settings, including options for changing the interface color scheme and font size.


Navigation Bar (Breadcrumbs)


This navigational aid displays the path you took through eBillingHub to get to the current screen. Each breadcrumb is a hypertext link, allowing you to quickly return to a previous screen in the path simply by clicking the link.


Main Workspace


The main workspace is where you perform the eBillingHub tasks listed in the table above. Workspace screens vary depending on the task, but several screens share the following data display and selection tools.


Use this tool


View a specific number of data items in a list. For example, selecting "10" displays ten items in the list while selecting "All" displays all items in the list.

Page through a multi-page list.

Globally select and deselect data items on a page. Click the plus sign to select all items on a page; click the minus sign to deselect the currently selected items on a page.

To select all items in a multi-page list, first select the All option in the View tool, and then select the plus sign.


Sort the data in a column. Simply click on the column header to sort the data in ascending or descending order.


Select individual data items in a list. Simply click the desired row of data to select it. (Selected items are highlighted in blue.) To deselect the item, click the row again.


Select individual data items in a list. This alternate method lets you select an item by clicking its checkbox. (Selected items display a check mark and are highlighted in blue.) To deselect the item, click the checkbox again to uncheck it.



Related Topics


 Getting Started with eBillingHub

 Understanding the eBillingHub Process





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